How to Change Ownership of Telegram Channel
Why Telegram Photos Not Opened?
20/08/2021Telegram is a popular online messenger that allows its user to chat online with a person or a group of people. Telegram’s users are also able to share different types of files like music, video, and any other document with a quality that Telegram supports. If you take a quick look at this online platform, you are going to understand that the units of communication are P.V. or private chat room, group and super group, channel, and bots.
The first association that was created in Telegram was a group and many people showed their interests in it. Because they soon understood that they could earn a lot of benefits from this unit of Telegram. However, as time passed, the need for bigger capacity and more interaction arose; therefore, the authority of Telegram decided to provide a super version of the group. Changing a group this form has a simple process which is completely explained here after defining
What is a Telegram Group?
Telegram group is a chatroom where up to 1000 members could chat together and share any files that they want. It can have public and private access but only the owner is the one who could change the group’s information such as changing the name or the username of the group, blocking members, giving authority to the other users, and the other types of activities which are visible to the owners.
Telegram group is not available on global search engines and it doesn’t have much more access to automatic features like bots. Such limitations lead the Telegram to consider an up-date that ends the supergroup on Telegram. Groups of Telegram are made for different reasons. Some people use the group for teaching, some for marketing, and others for fun.
There are two ways for becoming a member of a Telegram group: the owner can directly add you to the group or send you the invite link. By clicking on the link you are going to be added to the group. Your personal information, except for your username, is safe and the other group’s members don’t have access to your privacy. In the following paragraph, the developed form of the basic group is explained.
Super group has several characteristics which allow many people to interact with each other easily.
What is a Telegram Super Group?
As is mentioned earlier, this type of group is the developed form of the first group. So, every feature of the group in this form is changed into the more powerful one. For instance, this type of group has a capacity of 100000 members. The other characteristic of a supergroup is the ability to change its access to public access.
The owner of a super form of a group can assign administrators to manage the group. However, it is the owner who can give the administrators access to changing the group’s information such as changing the supergroup name. There are a lot of bots that are used for further managing the group. Since this type of group can achieve public access, it could be visible on global search engines.
For identifying the type of the group which is basic or in super version, you can use TeleMe Bot; because such information is hidden on the bio of the group. However, new members can see the message history. If the administrators delete a member’s message, it is going to be invisible for all the members. The manager of these groups can pin important messages to attract the attention of all the members.
Convert a Group into a Super Group
There are two types of ways for changing a group into a super form: automatically and manually. Here the two ways are fully explained to help you if you want to gain more popularity or make more money out of Telegram. Remember that, by using super forms of groups, you have more power for handling your business. Furthermore, many people are ready to buy your group which has a lot of members. Usually, you can earn a big amount of money by selling such groups.
The first way for converting a group to a giant group is the automatic setting of Telegram. When the members of a basic group are approaching 200, Telegram will automatically upgrade the group. Because managing the upgrade group is easier than the basic group. As you know, all the Telegram basic groups are private. When you change your group to the public one, it means that you convert it to the super form. For doing this there are some simple steps below:
- Go to group management
- Select “Edit Group”
- Select “Group Type”
- Consider a public username for the group
- Save the changes and that group will be automatically upgraded to a super group by Telegram.
- Choose a super group name.
- Consider one or more users as super group admin.
Super group has several characteristics which allow many people to interact with each other easily.
The Bottom Line
Telegram is one of the most useful apps among the other social media, allowing you to earn a lot of money and benefits. In this regard, Telegram has provided a lot of features and units. Super group on Telegram has been a revolutionary action in the history of Telegram. There is no doubt about the fact that such groups could increase the chance of popularity in the social media community.
This type of Telegram group is public and consequently, you can find a list of them on the internet. Converting the basic group to the super form is an easy task that you can do in two ways. Typically, when the number of basic group members reaches 200, Telegram changes it to the biggest one. But if you want to have such a group at the very beginning, you can change the basic group from a private type to a public one. Since basic groups cannot be public, the group’s type automatically changes to the super form.
Good content 👏🏿
Does the super group have more features and facilities than the normal group?
Hello Wylie,
Yes! Telegram super group has up to 200K capacity.
Nice article
На Нашем телеграмм канале группа поменялась автоматически на супергруппу и почему то исключило 170 человек из 200 участников. Можно ли вернуть людей в группу и как? Или все таки придется опять всех заного приглашать в группу?