50k Telegram Offline Members
04/11/20191k Telegram Votes
01/12/201910K Telegram Votes
$600.00 Original price was: $600.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00.
✅️️️️ 10000 Telegram poll votes (or post like)
✅️️️️ Delivery time 1 hours (time is adjustable)
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✅️️️️ No banned
✅️️️️ No problem
✅️️️️ Guaranteed
✅️️️️ To set the adding time, contact us
If you want to buy 10K Telegram poll votes with us, we assure you that you won’t be disappointed!
We do it in a quality manner and within specified time limits. We can provide rating for various Telegram challenges and we work with the majority of protection types.
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Buy 10K votes on Telegram polls
Increase Telegram votes can vary depending on the type of business.
But the main reason for this is increasing sales for businesses and increasing revenue for content-oriented channels. Such as news channels, entertainment channels and so on.
Let me simplify this with an example. Suppose you have a clothing Telegram channel, your current channel members is 200 people.
suggest article: buy Telegram real members
If a customer enters your channel and even likes the type of clothing you offer. But does not buy, in this condition what is the main reason that the customer did not buy from you?
Boost Telegram polls
Boost Telegram polls
If the number of views is high and the proportion of views is proportional to the number of votes. The channel will be popular and famous.
This will have a psychological effect on the user and will increase the trust.
Popularity of the channel and also increase the conversion rate of the visitor to the buyer of the product or the follower of the channel.
Advertising and attracting the audience is difficult without the right view and number of votes and is not very effective.
Imagine entering a store channel through ads and seeing that the views are all below 100, this will definitely affect you and your audience.
Now suppose the views of the same channel are above 1000. This issue will convey the feeling of popularity of the channel to the users and will also increase their trust.
According to the research we have done on different channels, one of the main reasons for buy 10k active Telegram members is not having enough votes and channel visits! Isn’t it interesting?
As the number of channel members increases and the number of views grows in proportion to it.
More users trust that Telegram channel and this issue has more psychological burden.
The customer inadvertently thinks in his mind that this channel has a high number of votes and customers Many follow this brand so it is reliable.
Increase your votes on Telegram competitions
Telegram poll votes has high quality and the rate of drop is about 1 to 5%, but a fake votes without a drop, as its name implies, is without a drop and has a very high quality.
Of course, the word “shedding” can be misleading, “shedding means a drop that is not done by the members themselves.
But Telegram is very opposed to the issue of fake members and is constantly updating its algorithms to identify these types of votes and may at intervals.
It can detect and delete even votes that have a name without being dropped.
A pop-up member is a type of advertisement that opens a page on the user’s phone and sees your channel ads and becomes a member of your channel if you click on it.
Unfortunately, this method has been blocked by Telegram for a long time. In addition to being blocked by itself, Telegram limits also had a very negative effect on the quality of this type of member.
Currently, there are sites that offer this type of member, but due to the fact that this service is restricted.
We decided to stop selling it, because it is very different from the adding actual member of method. It is not mandatory.
Buy 10K Telegram Poll Votes
Buy 10K Telegram Poll Votes Online
This method is very expensive and maybe it is more valuable if you advertise in quality Telegram channels.
Because the user joins the channel just to remove the channel from the top list and may not be interested in the channel topic at all.
I have to say “no”, so far not a single case of blocking the Telegram channel. Due to buy Telegram votes has taken place because there is no reason to do so at all.
If this happened, anyone could add real or fake member for their competitors and block add to Telegram groups.
168 reviews for 10K Telegram Votes
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