Telegram has provided a brilliant chance for many people all over the world to gain a reputation and make a lot of money. This happens through the ownership of Telegram channel and group. Many users create channels and groups for several reasons which if they work effectively they could expand their channel by attracting a huge number of members.
A Telegram channel owner is a person who has created the channel at the first step. This person is the owner of the channel and has all the rights to handle the channel and he or she has access to the setting of the channel. The owner of the channel is a person with more authority rather than the admin channel.
In other words, this is the owner who can add or remove admins. However, you can see sometimes owners intend to transfer the ownership to someone else. To know why and how to transfer ownership, go through this article and gain the knowledge for doing such action if you have a plan for changing your channel’s ownership.
Why Change Ownership of Telegram Channel
There are several reasons for changing the channel’s ownership. Life is full of unexpected events which could change our destiny and the plan that we have tried for it all over our lives. However, the winner of such challenges is the people who cope with such events and pass the ownership of the things that may not have any benefits to us. It is also true about Telegram channel owning.
It is possible to something happen to you that makes you leave your channel to another person. Of course, if your channel is popular, you can sell your channel at a high price and earn a huge amount of profit. Sometimes, you may feel you are done with your channel and you want to try another way, so, it is obvious it is better to transfer the ownership of the channel to another person by getting money instead of deleting your channel.
There might be a lot of personal and non-personal reasons for changing the owners of the Telegram channel; however, the thing which is important for each owner and admin is the fact that to know how to transfer ownership of Telegram channel. In the following paragraphs, the steps of such a process are explained for both the latest version of Telegram and the previous one.

changing the ownership of Telegram channel has a very simple process.
Changing the Ownership of Channel on the Latest Version
For changing the ownership of the latest version of Telegram the first two steps that you must do before following the steps is to activate Two-Step Verification at least for a week before you change the owner of the Telegram channel and then you should also be active on Telegram for at least 24 hours. After making sure for following these two tips, it is time for going through the steps below:
- Open the app Telegram and find your channel
- Click on the editing option, which is displayed by a pencil icon, in the channel profile
- Touch the editing icon and tap on the Administrators option
- Then add the user who you want to transfer to ownership as the admin of the channel. This person could be one of the members of your channel or one of your contacts
- Authorize all the permissions for the user
- At the bottom of the page, you can see the Transfer Channel Ownership option
- When you tap this option, there will be a question that asks whether you want to transfer the ownership or not. Approve it
- Now is the time to enter your password. It is the same password you had chosen for activating the Two-Step Verification
By doing all the steps above, your ownership of Telegram channel is transferred to another person.

changing the ownership of Telegram channel has a very simple process.
Transferring the Ownership of Telegram channel on the Previous Version
Again for changing the ownership on the previous version of the Telegram, you must have done the Two-Step Verification seven days before and have been active on Telegram for at least 24 hours. Another important thing in changing the ownership of the previous version of the Telegram, you can change it by the other phone number. After ensuring these things, you can go through the steps below:
- Run the app and go to the Menu
- Go to the setting and click on your phone number
- Tap on Change Number
- There would be a message to ask for your permission. Choose Change Number
- Enter the new phone number
- After that, you must wait for a code which will be sent to the new phone number. This code is also known as the code of ownership
- Enter the code and complete the process
- Now, you have done the transferring ownership.
The Bottom Line
The ownership of Telegram channel could be transfer to another person for several reasons. Knowing how to do that is important because it is related to Telegram management which is one of the popular jobs in the realm of online vocations. By having a channel and its ownership, you could not only gain popularity and make a huge amount of money but also you can sell it whenever you want.
Nowadays people spend a huge amount of money on channels’ ownership and the more you expand it there is more chance to sell it and gain more money by transferring it. So, if you are an owner of channels on Telegram, you must know the ways for changing the ownership. Note that the process of transferring is different in the updated version of Telegram and the old one. You must follow the steps for changing the owner of your channel carefully; otherwise, it is going to be a total waste of time.
All in all, it is better to think about transferring ownership carefully. Consider the fact that by doing such action you are going to gain what and lose what.