How To Buy Telegram Targeted Members?
14/08/2020How To Increase Telegram Vote For Polls?
25/08/2020Currently, one the most popular social media in the word is a Russian based platform named “Telegram”.
This really fast and easy to use messenger has various versions compatible to Android, iOS, Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, and Macintosh operation systems.
Telegram channels are excellent routes to informing and advertising in which you have an infinite space to share the posts and you can also have an infinite post views.
If you are running an advertising Telegram channel, it is very important to your business to have a high number of members who are not random people but the people who you want to share the contents of your channel with.
In the present article, we are going to teach you how to increase the critical number of the views of your Telegram Channel posts.
It is not an easy task to do and needs a lot of efforts and tricks that we are covering some here.
add fake members to Telegram channel
Note: Don’t add fake members to your channel
This advice is somehow a matter of debate; some experts believe this could help the manager to make a good first impression on the people who he/she wants to join the channel.
In contrast, some people think this could be not good for channel. But who are right?
Let us give you an example; consider you own a Telegram channel with 50K members.
When someone new visits your channel and he/she is hesitating to join your channel.
high number of the members is impressive at first but as soon as he/she looks at the views of your posts.
he/she find out that the members are fake and he/she loses the trust in your channel and runs away.
So, don’t make or buy any fake member for your channel.
You can submit link in Telegram directory and get more members.
Some tricks to increase Telegram members and post views
Now you learned how bad is adding fake members to your Telegram channels.
It’s the time to learn how to gain some real members.
Here is some tricks to Increase Telegrams post views.
Of course there may be some other tricks, but we tried to offer you the most critical ones.
Increase the number of your Telegram channel members
If you want to your posts in your Telegram channel to be seen frequently.
Obviously you have to have a lot of members in your channel.
You can also read Telegram auto add member article for this purpose.
It’s so hard at first to get some members but the more your telegram channel members be, the more joining rate of members be.
Scroll down to learn how to add many members to your channel.
increase Telegram members and post views
1-Take the initial principles seriously
It is very critical to have a unique and beautiful profile photo.
Write an attractive and truthfully bio for your channel and define the channel goals.
If you are planning to make money from your Telegram channel.
Then you have to find an excellent idea, but don’t rush into making a channel.
First you have to polish your idea and then make the channel.
Finally, choose a short and attractive address to your channel and buy Telegram vote for polls.
2-Start up by inviting your friends
As you know, when you don’t have any member in your channel, it’s harder to get members.
That is because when someone visits your channel and doesn’t see any member, she/he doesn’t trust your Telegram channel and leave immediately.
Above mentioned situation is specific to strangers.
Anyone has some friends and family members who always are there for him/her.
It is not a lot to ask a friend to be a member of your Telegram channel.
Sometimes a good friend even brings some other people to support your business.
This kind of networking is easiest way to raise the number of your Telegram channel members at the beginning.
It doesn’t cost you anything and if you have extensive social relationships.
It helps you increase your channel members up to a few hundreds easily.
So the key to a successful start at making a business Telegram channel is to not be shy and be an expert in social communications.
You should be very active at cyberspace and also in real life.
Try to make new friends and don’t lose your existing ones.
Try to be in touch with your far away friends and increase Telegram post views just contact us.
When you’re in regular touch with people, it’s easiest to ask them for a favor.
If you are a F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan you probably remember when Chandler wanted to ask a high school classmate.
who he was not in touch for a long time, to get an audition for Joey and you remember how hard it was for him.
wanna buy telegram post view with low price?
3-Add a small number of fake accounts to you Telegram channel
It’s OK to add just a few fake members to your channel at start, but it has to be up to 500 not more.
You can use some software and robots to make fake members.
but if you don’t know how to do that, then you have to disburse a little bit and buy some fake members.
share Telegram channel link
4-Make a weblog and share the link to your Telegram channel
Consider you have a Telegram channel about buying Telegram channel members.
Make a weblog in which you post contents regarding management of Telegram channels, buying and selling Telegram channel members, etc.
Then you have to advertise your channel in your weblog and share links to your Telegram channel.
This brings web search engines and if someone searches things like “how to buy Telegram fake members” or “where to buy Telegram fake members”.
she/he could find your Telegram channel through web search engines.
If you don’t have the time to manage a weblog too, you can use some websites which advertise Telegram channels.
All you have to do is a simple search in Google for these sorts of websites and order some service.
5-Don’t forget other social media
One of the best platforms for advertising your Telegram channels are other social networks.
Make accounts in Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc.
and share the link to your Telegram channel in bio section of these accounts.
You can also advertise your channel in the comments below the posts relating to your business in those social networks.
You can also use groups and super groups in Telegram itself.
but the only problem is if you post advertisements in these groups, they usually delete the post and remove you from the group.
Yet there are some tricks to advertise your Telegram channel in a Telegram super group.
For example you can put the address to your channel in your profile photo or bio and by being active in the group, encourage people to look at your profile.
6-Invite people to challenges and contests
Use challenges and contests not only to attract more members.
But also to increase the activity of your members and to increase your Telegram posts views.
Consider awards for the winners of the contests you threw out. Don’t worry about the costs of the awards; you make much more profit than the money you spend on them.
unique contents in Telegram channel
7-Publish unique contents in Telegram channel
If you want to get a lot of members for your Telegram channel, keep them and encourage them to view your posts, the content you share should be unique and attractive.
Nobody likes the post he/she have already seen somewhere else.
8-Ask your members to send you their contents
Many people like to share their information and experiences with other people.
If you ask your Telegram channel members to send you photos, videos and contents to be share on your channel.
You get so much unique contents to post on your channel. It certainly increase the number of views on your Telegram posts.
9-Use Telegram #hashtags
Using hashtags in the contents you post in your Telegram channel make it easier for the members to find the contents they want.
This not only raises your posts views, but also encourage members to stay in your channel because it’s easy to use.
10-Publish short content in the right time with right frequency
Schedule some certain times during the day and night to post your contents.
Pick the right time and it should be not too early in the morning or too late in the night when most of your members turn the notifications off.
Don’t share too many posts in a brief duration of time for increase Telegram post views.
Because most of the members of your Telegram channel don’t scroll up too much, and consequently they don’t see your initial posts.
Share business posts and advertisement in an acceptable frequency and spread them among attractive and member friendly posts such as tutorials, news, photos, videos, etc.
This helps you to increase the views on the business posts.
Post your contents in a regular and proper way; not too many, not too infrequent.
If you share some written style contents, they need to be shot and not boring.
Add photos to such posts even if they don’t need it.
Good content
My channel has more subscribers than views. How can I increase the number of views of my posts?
Hello Timeo,
you can buy Telegram post vies for your current and also feature posts!
Nice article