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14 Ways To Increase Telegram Members

Increase Telegram Members

Increase Telegram Members

My most successful channel on Telegram grew to 65,000 active members.

Having so many Telegram members allowed us to create an engaged community of people who loved our content and, more importantly, our service.

High order volume of service we sold due to our Telegram popularity wasn’t too shabby either.

If you’re just starting out and want to know how to get members on the Telegram channel or how to increase Telegram members, I’ll break down the tried and true tactics that have worked for me.

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How to Get Telegram members?

From Telegram ads for beginners to professional Telegram marketing, there are a number of ways to get Telegram members that will help bring more fans to your Telegram channel. Here are ways to increase Telegram channel members.

Run Telegram Ads

If you’re trying to figure out how to get Telegram members, the most obvious solution is Telegram ads. You can run “Engagement” ads, which help you increase the visibility of your brand on Telegram. Although, to be frank, any ad you create on Telegram will likely also create an increase in members, even “Conversion” ads. If Telegram users like the ad content, they’ll likely engage with the post and potentially will join your Telegram channel. So, if your main goal is to get store sales, you can run a conversion ad and still increase Telegram members to your channel. To learn more about Telegram advertising, check out Telegram ads.

Invite People to join your Telegram channel

The easiest way to increase Telegram members is by inviting people to join your channel. Once you start creating ads for your channel, Telegram will occasionally send you notifications asking you to invite people to join your channel. I found that typically if I ran engagement ads, I’d get a higher number of people that I could invite to join my channel. However, even though I manually invited people, I eventually got temporarily blocked by Telegram. So you need to pace the number of people you invite at a time. Also, if you do get temporarily blocked, Telegram might still send notifications telling you to joining people. But you still won’t be able to contact anyone. Wait a day or two before trying to invite more members. You can also invite friends and family to join your channel. However, keep in mind that it’s better to have a small, targeted audience than to have a big, broad one, as it could limit the effectiveness of your future ads.

Create a viral channel content

On my most popular store’s Telegram channel, we’d share content, videos, and relatable quotes. People would forward the post to their friends, which usually helped increase social media engagement but also helped increase social reach. Bitcoin traders are another online business that create viral-type content. They regularly create useful content using their products. In their posts, they promote their experiences with video about the facts about Bitcoin and people. Since the scenarios are pretty professional, it results in expert content which helps boost social shares. About 2500 visited the video and 98 people shared it. If you don’t have the artistic chops to create your own viral content, you can always share viral niche content with your audience. But be sure to always give credit to the creator.

Host a Giveaway on your Telegram channel

Giveaways are a great way to increase Telegram members. You can host a giveaway on your channel and giving some offers like free services. You can share your giveaway to niche Telegram groups or forums, giveaway websites, and of course on your Telegram channel. By making one of the ways to enter “visit Telegram channel” you’ll be more likely to increase the number of Telegram members you have. An example of a giveaway that Bitcoin traders shared on their Telegram channel. They used emojis to draw emphasis on the giveaway keyword. Since they shared it on their own channel, it’s likely their Telegram members will visit it. They may share the giveaway post with their friends which can also help increase Telegram members. So be sure to promote the giveaway on all Telegram channels.

Post Attention Grabbing Content

If you’re trying to determine how to get Telegram members, you might want to make sure your content stands out in feeds. Now, you’ll need to have an audience members you already for this to work. But let’s take a quick look at a channel which got 2.5k Telegram members in two hours and has had 549 shares in that same period. The channel changes the background color of the post in a diagonal shape to capture your attention switching back and forth every couple of seconds. While scrolling through the feed, your eyes catch it which makes you more likely to notice it and engage. The high shares helps you get Telegram members because of its increased visibility.

Add a Telegram join link

Some Telegram channels ask for visitors upon exit intent. However, if your main objective is to increase Telegram members instead of visits, you can create a Telegram join link instead. Telegram join link is a popular tool that allows you to gain new leads, and can be re-purposed to fuel Telegram members, as well. You can also choose to set a pinned post so that after a person has been on your channel for a certain number of seconds, the pinned post appears. Avoid adding too many posts to your channel, as they can be overwhelming on mobile devices and cause people to exit faster. So if you add many posts to your channel, make sure it’s the proper one.

Try Out Telegram paid services

The best and effective service to increase Telegram members is paid services. If you’re building a online Telegram store, your Telegram channel might be more about Forex trade, Bitcoin ICO or Betting. However, if you’ve just added new items to your channel and have ordered samples, you can showcase a first look at the products on Telegram channel. You can increase Telegram members by purchasing Telegram services.
Telegram services includes: buying members, advertise on big channels and promote the channel.

Use more than 1 channel admin

If you want to know how to get Telegram members, the secret sometimes lies in partnerships. The best channels I’ve ever created had more than 1 admins to create useful content.
In fact, most of them were successful. You know, those channels just share very effective content or articles about a subject.
They usually amass really big audiences. And they’re usually cheaper than an other ways. That strategy works well if you’re on a super tight budget. But if you want to partner with an actual admin, you can find admins in your niche as well. The easiest way to do that is to look up “freelancer” in Google.
You might look up betting bloggers, for example. Then you look through their channel and reach out to them to find out their rates. If they’re up for collaborating, you’ll send them a sample order for them to test. When they did the post on Telegram, ask them to tag your Telegram channel in the post. That way people who are interested in your channel content will be more likely to join you.

Get Tagged by Other Telegram channels

Getting organic shootouts from bigger Telegram channels can help you get more Telegram members. To get a shout out, look for brands who regularly feature their customers or other brands on social media. Pick the brands that have a similar audience to you or one that’s at least somewhat related. For instance if you provide Forex service you might post a picture with your service with another brand’s Bitcoin, tagging the brand in the picture. This could coax them into sharing your post with their audience.
For example:
A Betting channel shared a picture taken on their phone that a customer posted on their Telegram channel.

Add Your Telegram channel Links to Your Website

You’d be surprised by how many new channel owners forget to add their Telegram channel links to their website. Depending on your channel, your social icons might be in the header, footer, or in a sidebar menu. If you want to emphasize their placement, you can contact a other websites or use They ads to get more channel members.

Create More Video Content

Want to know how to get Telegram members? Try video marketing. Video content on Telegram channels usually gets higher levels of engagement than pictures or text-based posts. As a result, more people will view your content. The more viewers and Telegram members you get, the higher the chance that your content will get found by potential new Telegram members. The secret to getting new members isn’t always about building an audience but also about building your brand. And creating great content regularly in a popular format can help you build a stronger channel. So if you want to increase Telegram members, you’re going to need to step up your video content strategy.

Engage with Your channel members

Some of the biggest Telegram channels don’t engage with their members. That gives even the smallest channels a huge competitive advantage. Engaging with your channel members isn’t only about customer service like responding to questions about delivery times. It’s also about building relationships. And there’s no better way to do that than to be a bit playful or respond in a way where the members feels like they’re chatting with their buddies. Big news Telegram channels are great example of a brand on Telegram that regularly engage with members. Their channel posts are almost always hilarious which makes you want to engage with the channel. By engaging with your members, their friends might end up members you as a result.

Hashtag your channel Up

While “hashtag” makes most people think about Twitter or Instagram, you can also increase members on Telegram by using hashtags in your Telegram posts. When it comes to hashtags, there are two key approaches. You can either use a literal hashtag like #Bet for a betting post, or you can use an audience-focused hashtag like big channels do. Big Telegram channels post about #Bet (Betting offers) at all. But they likely used the hashtag to attract users who are interested in Betting to their channel. In this case, the hashtag helps betting channel reach a new audience with their post – an audience that could potentially become Telegram channel members.

Offer a Coupon for joining to Your Telegram channel

The whole point of getting Telegram members is to get sales. With the Telegram app, you can offer customers a coupon if they like your channel. So not only do you get a potential new audience member, but the customer can redeem the coupon to get a discount on their purchase. Telegram channels are perfect for those who are looking to gain social proof on their Telegram and maybe score a couple sales too.

In this article, we broke down how to increase members on Telegram. There have been a lot of big changes happening at Telegram over the past few months, but that doesn’t make Telegram any less of a powerhouse. Telegram still is the most popular social platform for professional people. And their 200 million monthly active users is no joke. Hopefully, some of these tips help you increase the number of Telegram members you have.

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